
Cryptocurrencies are designed for the transfer of value between two parties without the need for intermediaries (P2P). They currently only allow simple 'push' style transactions. This works well as a baseline and proof of concept but does not allow the currencies to be widely used in everyday commerce.

The core of our protocol will be a smart contract payment. This will allow us to reverse the typical mechanics so instead of sending or pushing tokens from A to B we can have B pull funds from A into its account. This can only happen when A approves and accepts the transaction.

The FinzohPay system is being developed specifically to create the necessary approvals and allow for flexible transactions. This architecture will give us the ability to connect to a host of payment mechanisms that are used every day. It also looks to resolve the current roadblocks to transactions like recurring payments, direct debit and pay-per-use. The protocol is being developed to be fully scalable and flexible enough to enable merchants to develop their own business solutions.

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